fig1.jpg (21072 bytes)
Figure 1. Harvest and escapement of southeastern Alaska pink salmon between 1962 and 1997.  Escapement
estimates are based on peak counts of index streams and, therefore, represent an index to total escapement.




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Figure 2. Average daily minimum air temperatures in southeastern Alaska during January, 1949 to 1997.
The dashed line is a lowess curve (f = 0.35).




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Figure 3. Southeastern Alaska pink salmon scale growth during years of high (harvest > 30 million)
and low (harvest < 30 million) abundance.




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Figure 4. Commercial harvest of southeastern Alaska pink salmon and early marine scale growth of
Auke Creek pink salmon, 1979 to 1996.




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Figure 5. A gamma model with winter air temperatures using spawner-recruitment data from 1962 to 1997.
The solid line is the model fit with average winter air temperatures; the dashed lines are the model fits
with (+) and (-) one standard deviation in winter air temperatures.




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Figure 6. A gamma model with early marine growth using spawner-recruitment data from 1979 to 1997.
The solid line is the model fit with average early marine growth; the dashed lines are the model fits
with (+) and (-) one standard deviation in growth.