Figure 1, see caption
Figure 1.  Relative 2009 spawning stock size compared to Bmsy (taken to be B35% for all species except EBS pollock) versus relative 2008 catch levels compared to 2008 Fmsy levels for BSAI stocks.

Figure 2, see caption
Figure 2.  Relative 2009 spawning stock size compared to Bmsy (taken to be B35% for GOA stocks) versus relative 2008 catch levels compared to 2008 Fmsy levels for GOA stocks.  Note that Pacific cod stock status is based on previous assessment results.

Figure 3, see caption
Figure 3.  Estimated female spawning biomass from the current assessment (solid line) and approximate 95% confidence bounds compared to the female spawning biomass estimates from the 2007 assessment (dashed line) for BSAI Atka mackerel.